Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We had a really good Resurrection Sunday at church and then at my parents' house afterwards. I tried to get a photo of the kids before we went to church, but this is what I got--authentic, don't you think?

Checking out the fun stuff from Grandma and Grandpa

tasting the treats from the egg hunt

The photos don't show it (I guess I didn't do a very good job documenting the day), but Blake and Brian and Emily were there, too. It was a nice, low-key day. It's good to be together with family.


Cheryl Licht said...

Well, I have to say, your kids' Easter picture still turned out better than mine. ;-) Just the reality of kids....

The Alley Family said...

I can't believe how old Aubrey looks! She just seems to have gone from baby to toddler so fast. Wow, how time flies and some times seems so much faster than others. She is adorable!