Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Super Readers

Kari and Joel signed up in June for the library's Summer Reading Program, and today we went in to turn over our booklets and get the last prize. Upon arrival, we found out, much to Kari's disappointment, that the last leg of the program gives you a t-shirt (or $5 book coupon) and not a prize from the box as the previous three legs do. I should have remembered that from last year, but I didn't. It became yet another teachable moment in flexibility for Kari when things don't go the way she would like them to go or the way she thinks it should be. It was a little unfortunate (or rather, embarrassing) that it had to be in a public place in front of a well-meaning library volunteer, but we're trying hard to work on this issue right now, so it comes when it comes. As we were walking away from the table, (Kari still unhappy, but now quietly resigned to the t-shirt) the quick-thinking volunteer asked if we'd enrolled the baby, because if she was enrolled then she could have three prizes (ie, the kids would get to pick a prize after all--for Aubrey, of course). I hadn't planned on enrolling our 6 month old in the library's Summer Reading program, but before we left the library today, she was enrolled and rewarded for her participation with 2 bottles of bubbles, a beanie baby panda, and a t-shirt of her very own. Doesn't she look pleased?
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The Miller Family said...

That is awesome! Good for you to embrace the moment.

Jenne said...

So, was the quick thinking volunteer actually working against you, or was it truly a happy ending for all? (Its no fun when teachable moments or discipline moments are stolen from us by well-meaning onlookers. Just curious what your perception was!)

Greg and Andrea said...

Great question, Jenne. :) I wondered that same thing afterward and decided, in the end, that it was ok and a happy ending. We'd already had our moment and some resolution. She was unhappy in that she was still very disappointed, but she was no longer defiant, rude, and angry. I would have felt differently about the whole situation if the volunteer had interrupted my pow-wow with Kari, rather than waiting until we were finished. These split-second parenting decisions can be tricky!

Anonymous said...

Andrea, you are a library pro. I really do need to get over there more and sign up for this stuff. See you at preschool this fall!

Pate Family said...

Do you think being a first born girl helps as you parent a first born girl? Or does it make it harder? This is a question I have been pondering for some time. I certainly "get" Ainsley, but that is not always good. They do look cute in their matching shirts. I am a sucker for matching or coordinating anything!