Friday, August 15, 2008

Seaside Beach Trip

It was a wild and crazy time with the Moffats this last week in Seaside--eight adults and eight kids, ages 4 and under, all in one big house. We kept busy with a variety of activities, laughed a lot, and really enjoyed being together. We had fun, despite the nasty gastrointestinal illness that hit Greg, Sam, and Maggie during the week. Could have done without that, but what do you do?! It seems to be a fast and furious bug--over within 12 hours. Joel was hit with it once we got home, but he's fine now, a day later.

So, thanks Mom and Dad for the good week together. I know it wasn't a relaxing vacation for you, but we sure appreciate you making it happen and spending the week with us all.


Jenne said...

lookslike a realy fun time for you all. glad you are back safe and sound! (and super glad that no moms got the bug.) Ryan has a rule that mom's are not allowed to get sick. so, good job sticking by the rules!

Wilson Family said...

Welcome Home! We missed you!

Megan said...

It looks like you all had a great time together! Poor Joel on the tilt-a-whirl!! Maybe next year he will enjoy it :)

Amy Woodard said...

Looks like so much fun! That watermelon picture is a classic!