Friday, March 16, 2007

Day with the girls

Isn't she cute? I watched two of our nieces (Ryan and Michelle's girls) for the day. The weather was great, so we spent some time outside. I got some really good pictures of Lorelai. (I'll have to send them to you, Michelle.)

Joel's only 4 months older than Lorelai, but you'd think he was a lot older looking at them side-by-side. She's tall but petite, and he's just big and round. (I admit it's accentuated here because he's closer to the camera, but he is quite a bit bigger than she is!)

Kari and Ashlynn had fun playing together. Ashlynn preferred the little slide.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Hey Andrea! Long time, no see! I lost your blog for a while and just re-found it and I have been enjoying looking back through your posts. Your kids are hilarious. And you're much better about grabbing the camera than I am! In case you didn't know about it, here's my blog: You've probably already been there, but just in case. We miss you guys!