Tuesday, September 11, 2012

She's a preschooler

Today was the day, the day Aubrey FINALLY got to go to school. She's going to preschool two mornings a week, and she is thrilled! I'm not so sure I can do without her (yes, I teared up this morning driving her there), but I suppose I need to get used to it since she'll be heading to kindergarten next year.

Here she is all ready to go (an hour early).

Kari and Joel were excited for her. Grant thinks he should be going to school, too, and was rather put out when, once again, he was left behind. He wears his backpack (stuffed full of Pull-Ups--he's prepared) to the bus stop and is disappointed every time when he doesn't get to go.

When I picked her up after school I asked, "So what did you think of your first day of school?"
Her response: "Well, I didn't like it....but I LOVED it!"
She stole that line from Joel, but she still fooled me for a second there! I think she's going to have a great time this year. She didn't miss me at all and had so much fun today. I loved hearing all about it all afternoon. After experiencing school with a daughter who doesn't share much , I'm eating up all the info, feelings, and thoughts gushing from this school-going daughter. :)

And then there was one. My morning at home alone with Grant was a bust. So much for nice, quality one-on-one time with the youngest child. He was out of sorts most of the morning. I tried snacks, milk, Candyland--see, I pulled out all the stops! I just couldn't make him happy. It's been a LONG time since I've been home with just one child. I think it'll be really nice to have those couple hours with just him, but today reminded me that there will be an adjustment period. I'm sure we'll figure it out soon. I known I will. We'll see if he does! I've been looking forward to this time with just Grant, but I definitely saw the down-sides today. No one else to entertain him. No one else to keep an eye on him and keep him out of mischief. I was putting away a load of folded laundry for just a few minutes and noticed the house was very quiet, too quiet. I found him in Kari's room--sparkly lip gloss all over her desk, chair, wall, doorknob, and all over Grant. What.a.mess. I had to "google" "how to clean up mineral oil lip gloss." Answer: Dawn dish soap, no water. Thankfully, I had Dawn dish soap. That was a doosey of a clean-up, and he cried the whole time. Oh, Grant. Sigh. We'll have a better morning next time.


Eric 'n Leah said...

We cracked up at the picture of Grant sleeping on the stairs. That's hilarious! and SO GLAD Aubs is enjoying preschool already!!! I'm happy for her. She's wanted to be "big" for so long. Is Joel sporting the dino sweatshirt? or is that a different one?

Amy Woodard said...

Oh my goodness! Sparkly lip gloss all over! Sounds like a very big mess. I was wondering what you did with Grant. We'll have to have a little person play date on some mornings!

Greg and Andrea said...

Yes, it's the dino one. It's his favorite (and only at the moment, I think). Amy, yes, we'll have to have some play dates, for sure

Eric 'n Leah said...

oh, that makes me happy! I'm glad he likes it....or at least is getting use out of it. I wouldn't want the poor boy to be overheated... ;-)

Anonymous said...

such a cute lil preschooler. enjoy your year Aub.
Mrs. G