Friday, September 21, 2012

Soccer Season--Official Game One

Greg and I were both a little on the tired side for the kids' first official game, as he had gotten back from his five-day business trip in Pennsylvania at 11:30pm the night before, and then Grant woke us up for the day at 4:30am. It was great soccer weather that day, though, and the kids did great.

after a goal!


Here she goes...

still going...

GOAL!!!  The smile on her face was priceless.

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Anonymous said...

Where in PA was he? He could have been in our area?
Mrs. G

Greg and Andrea said...

He was in State College for a couple days and then in Pittsburgh. He was doing some recruiting/interviewing for his company. Are either of those close to where you are?

Anonymous said...

State collage is about 3 hours and Pittsburg is 5 to 6 hours. If he is in the Philly area or Lancaster area let us know, if possible we can meet up with him.
Mrs. G