Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tangled no more

Look who got her hair cut!
It's a drastic change, but she likes it, and I like how easy it was to do her hair this morning! We've had many hair battles lately, and it's been more and more of a challenge to take care of the long hair. We went in to my hair stylist for a 4 or 5 inch trim with the possibility of cutting more if there was enough to donate to Locks of Love. She had just enough (10 inches), so we did it! When I talked with Aubrey the day before about donating her hair and showed her the website, she started crying. She thought I was going to make her bald! Once she realized she'd still have hair left, she got on board. :) She's happy she gets to help another little kid have some hair. I admit I mourned a little the loss of her long, beautiful little girl hair, but the short hair suits her.
Silly girl!

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1 comment:

Curtis and Jane said...

she is darling with short hair!