Thursday, March 22, 2012

First stitches

At 6:45pm yesterday I heard Grant's there-is-something-really-wrong cry from down the hall. Aubrey had pushed him, and he fell and hit the little rocking chair just above his eye. I saw the cut and called our doctor in a panic. They said come on in. (Can I say it again? I LOVE our pediatrician and his office. )We yelled for the kids to throw their shoes on and get in the car. Greg rode next to Grant to hold the washcloth up to his eye, and I drove. We got to the doctor at 6:55pm  (they close at 7pm), and I waited out in the car with the kids while Greg took Grant in. They came out 40 minutes later, all stitched up-just three stitches. Greg spared me the details (I don't do well with these things) but said it was a brutal 20 minutes. They had Grant strapped down in the papoose thingy, but Greg and the assistant still had to hold his head, and it was a battle. We go back in Monday to get the stitches out.

Here is our exhausted, disheveled little man after his big ordeal.

And here he is this morning--happy and oblivious to the fact that he doesn't look so hot.

The irony of the timing of this whole thing is that last night was when we were going to "crack down" and really start to train him to stop screaming in the night. He's never been a good sleeper, and we have had very few full night's sleep since he joined our family, but it's gotten worse in the last couple weeks.  It looks different each night, but the short, basic, most recent version is he's waking up in the night and screaming for one to two and half hours. He's not scared, not wet, has his pacifier, and wants out of his crib so he can run around and play. He's just mad! He requires less sleep than our other kids, and if he wants to lay awake in his crib for hours, that's fine, but we can not tolerate the screaming or the loss of sleep any longer! Just yesterday we decided it's become more of a discipline issue that we needed to address, starting that very night...and then this happened.  You'll get our comfort and sympathy a little longer, Mister, because we do feel awfully bad this happened to you, but sometime soon you WILL learn to be quiet at night!

BTW, last night wasn't bad. He did NOT scream for hours in the night--probably because he was so tired! He slept until 4:30am. I gave him more ibuprofen, and he went back to sleep until 5:30am when I heard him crying. I brought him into bed with me and had some nice snuggle time. I put him back in his bed when he fell asleep at 6am, and he was up for the day at 7am.

1 comment:

Wilson Family said...

Sorry Grant! We all felt horrible when we heard you had to get stitches at Dr. Eki's last night. Abby broke that same papoose thingy in for you last year. To this day Abby still says, (whenever she is describing someone about to get hurt), "they fall down and get stitches." Once you have had that experience it is hard to forget! That goes for both your parents and you! ~ Andy