Wednesday, November 02, 2011


I got Spidey to take his mask off this time. Aubrey roared for almost every photo, which made for some funny facial expression from her but also made Grant laugh in a lot of them.

He's laughing at her in this one.

Pretty sure none of our other kids had lollipops (or any other candy) at such a young age. He was very much aware of the fact that all the kids were getting yummy stuff in their buckets and wanted in on that action. We brushed his teeth well that night. :)

Grandma walked around with us for a while and helped keep track of kids.

We ran into Brian and Emily and little golfer, Russell towards the end of our time there, so I tried to get a cousin photo. Aubrey was ready to be done, can you tell?
I quit taking photos at this point, but the rest of our evening was eventful and fun. We had dinner down the street with Grandma and Grandpa M and Eric and Leah and the kids, and then headed towards home (after a couple candy stops) for more trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. We suspected that it would be a fairly busy evening in this new neighborhood and made sure we had lots of candy, but I was shocked at just how busy it really was! We got home at 6:30pm, and for that next hour, we had a steady stream (as in hardly shut the door) of kids, and the hour after that was a semi-steady stream (during which I believe I broke my toe running into the couch on my way to the door--can't forget that exciting part of 2011's Halloween--such a stupid thing to do!). We shut off our light at 8:30pm and were down to the bottom of the bowl. Our kids handed out candy for a few minutes before they headed out themselves when we got home, and it was so fun to hear, "Hi, Kari! Hi, Kari! Hi, Joel!" A ton of the kids who go to East Orient live in our neighborhood, and it seemed like they were all out there that night--made for a really fun, family-friendly atmosphere. I stayed behind with Grant to "man" the door, but Greg said the kids had a great time running from house to house, saying hi to their school friends along the way and making quite the candy haul. It was a great Halloween in the new neighborhood, and having done it once, I'll be more prepared for next year. :)
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1 comment:

Cheryl Licht said...

So cute!!!!!!