Sunday, November 20, 2011

End of the season

We are finding we have a little more time now that soccer is over. It was a good season for both kids, a little crazy schedule-wise but still good. Here are the team photos from the very beginning of the season back when it was 90 degrees on the field.

Joel with "Coach Greg." This is cheesy, but I like the father/son photo

The last couple games were a far cry from the 90 degree heat. The end of the season was cold, wet, and windy. We really didn't have a lot of rainy soccer games this year, for which we were ever so grateful, but those last two Saturdays were really cold! Grant could hardly move with all his cold weather gear and couldn't get up whenever he fell down, which was often since he was so bundled up and off balance, but he was warm! I love Grant's smile in this picture and that you can see Kari chasing the ball in the background.

Aubrey was a pretty good sport this season. She watched a lot of soccer and helped keep track of her wild little brother who was constantly trying to run onto the field. As long as I brought plenty of snacks for those long mornings, we were ok. She might get to play next year.

Joel became quite the soccer player this year. Last year he hardly touched the ball, but this year he was a major player out on that field. He truly enjoyed playing and liked that he got to score lots of goals.

This one was a goal!

Kari loved playing again this year. She was a go-getter, and she was FAST. She was on a team with a great group of girls and had a really nice, encouraging coach. Kari seems to have some soccer talent and got better and better throughout the season. We'll see if it's something she continues to enjoy. I hope so because I like watching her play.

Enjoying the treats after the last game with her good friend, Ellie.

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