Thursday, October 13, 2011

We love the zoo

It was a Wednesday of no school for Joel and a day with no rain, so we headed to the zoo. Grant loved the sea lions, as in squealing-with-delight-stomping-the-feet-in-excitement loved. They were doing their usual show-off routine, swimming straight up along the glass, which is pretty cool. They are one of my favorite animals at the zoo, too, so we spent quite a while there watching them. Grant entertained the other zoo goers with his antics. He just couldn't get enough of those massive creatures. He's been to the zoo with us many times, but this was the first time I remember him actually paying attention to the animals and getting excited. He was so cute.

I kept trying to get a photo of the three kids, but almost every time Grant would run away.

Snack time--one of the kids' favorite parts of a zoo trip. Seriously, they always seem to become ravenous the second we reach the first exhibit. I always make them wait until later, so I don't know why they bother asking so soon--one of the mysteries of the zoo for me. (Other mysteries: Where do they keep the animals when they're "off exhibit?" Why does one of the polar bears walk backwards? Why did they design both exits uphill? We're always so tired by the end, and then we have to make that long trek uphill the whole way back to our car.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny, My kids are always ravenous at the zoo too! I can't seem to bring enough food. ~Erin Woodard