Thursday, November 04, 2010

Put a smile on my face and joy in my heart

This has been one of those weeks where I have been one step behind instead of ahead of my children, which is never good. Monday was a terrible day at home with the kids, and I've been on the edge of insanity a few times, it seems. However, the last two days have been better. The beautiful weather has helped lift my spirits. I can't get enough of the beautiful fall colors against the backdrop of the clear, blue sky. It's absolutely breathtaking. The kids have been able (and eager) to play outside, too, which has helped matters here at home. Yesterday afternoon I looked out the window and saw this. They all had their guitars (Kari made hers herself out of wood, nails, and rubber bands) and were dancing around, belting out a song from Sunday school: "Making melody in my the King of Kings!"
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1 comment:

Pate Family said...
