Monday, November 15, 2010

End of the season

Soccer officially ended a week ago Saturday with the kids' last game and their pizza party. They're quite proud of their trophies. Our friend and team manager even got mini trophies for the little ones on the sidelines. You made Aubrey so happy, Christine. :)

Joel with his first-ever trophy at the pizza party. Our tables were in the game room, which made for a very loud and chaotic party, but the kids had fun. It was a very successful soccer season, and I think we all, parents included, had a lot of fun this year.

We had a cozy, warm, and DRY Saturday morning at home this last weekend with no soccer. The kids entertained themselves by playing in the garage. Greg moved the cars outside so they could ride their scooters and expend some energy. Later we found them decorating the inside of the garage door with their artwork (and using ridiculous amounts of tape). After art time, they made a mini soccer field on the concrete (more tape) and played some indoor soccer. They had a rather large tape ball by the time they finished and cleaned up out there.
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