Saturday, July 31, 2010

Waiting and keeping busy

We've had a couple of evenings of regular contractions this week that have given us false hope that Grant would make his appearance. A few hours of it, and then nothing. Bummer. So, this morning we walked around the farmer's market and then tackled one of the last items on our summer to-do list--bark dust. It was an all day family endeavor of shrub trimming, weeding, and bark spreading. After three pickup loads of bark dust, our yard looks much nicer. It had been a couple years since we'd done it, so it was time.

I did everything I could to make this baby come, but I petered out toward the end of the day, so Greg was left with just his three little helpers to finish the last part of the job. They worked hard and had fun.

Our yard is finished and our to-do list is all checked off, so anytime now, Grant!

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1 comment:

Cheryl Licht said...

Oh, I keep hoping! And I talked to Grandma today and she was praying you'd go into labor, now! The regular contractions and then nothing are so frustrating! Nothing like getting your hopes up... I'm anxious to here good news... I'll keep praying. Love ya!

Oh and the yard looks great, by the way. :-)