Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sunriver 2010

It's been a week since we got back from our family vacation, and I'm just now getting around to posting about it. We're having quite the summer around here. Since we got returned a week ago, we've had multiple dr. appointments, a family reunion, and kidney stone surgery for Greg. Craziness!

Now about our trip...Greg had one day to recover from jetlag after his trip before we packed the car up to the gills and headed to Sunriver. Our time there was fun-filled and jam-packed with activity, and the kids had an absolute blast. Kari had been talking about this trip for months and had it so built up in her head I was afraid she might be a little disappointed. But she wasn't! The most exciting part for her this year was that she was able to ride her bike without training wheels, and that's what you do in Sunriver--go on lots of bike rides. It'll be even more fun in years to come when her cousins can ride uninhibited, too. I felt like I hardly saw Joel, even though we were all together the whole time. He was always busy playing with someone. His laid-back personality makes it easy for him to get along with anyone and everyone. Grandma and Grandpa had all kinds of tricks up their sleeves and kept pulling things out of a big bin 'o fun for the kids to do in any down-time. With eight kids six and under, you have to be prepared and keep them busy, and boy, were they busy--bug catchers, nature walks, bike decorating, scholastic booklets, new books, play at the park, swimming, bike rides, movies, picnics, trip to the lava caves. At 8 months pregnant, I opted out of some of the activity, and some of the time Aubrey stayed with me because she was not feeling well and had a fever pretty much the whole time we were there. She did amazing for being so miserable. The days were ok, but we had rough nights. We got her in to the doctor as soon as we got back, and the poor thing had an ear infection and sinus infection. Aubrey being sick kind of put a damper on things for me, as I was worried about her, but overall, it was a really good vacation and a good time with family. So many memories that I'm sure will stick with the kids forever.
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