Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Time at home

Aubrey's fever is gone as of this morning, and she is feeling much better. We're still hanging out at home, though, just in case someone else decides to get sick and because I'm tired! Today we did some coloring, made some construction paper jack-o-lanterns and also some grapes, apples, and oranges (the pumpkins were my idea--the other fruit was Joel's). Joel's been asking for a while now if we could make a new batch of "slime," so we did that, too.

The animals tromping through the treacherous terrain (gotta love alliteration).

Poor lizard

Brave kitty and brave Aubrey. Can you see her battered lip? Her face had a run-in with the table yesterday. Yesterday was filled with lots of crying--Aubrey, not me, but I was close by the end of the day. Glad yesterday is over. Today has been much more fun.

The unsuspecting panda just before being swallowed by a big wave of slime.

1 comment:

Jon and Erin said...

I'm gonna have to call you (or facebook) for some good crafty ideas especially as we have to be inside more and more. Looks like lots of fun!