Thursday, October 15, 2009

Brought a smile to my face

Children really are a blessing. It's true. I was feeling kinda crummy (cold/sinus--not swine flu--and the kids all have colds), weary, nervous about about our family getting the flu, and just a little down in the dumps this afternoon. I decided before I took a nap, I'd look and see what was on my camera that I might be able to blog about later. I found these photos of Aubrey taken within the last week or so, and they brightened my day.

Helping me with dinner ("helping"=washing potatoes, playing with the potato scrubber, and getting herself and the surrounding area soaking wet)
...just like big brother "Goal" or sometimes "Gawboo" (Joel-boy)
disheveled toddler collecting rocks and various muddy treasures in her bucket
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Cheryl Licht said...

So stinkin cute!

Jenne said...

I hope your nap did you a lot of good! No flu, Lord. PLEASE have mercy!

The Miller Family said...

So happy you found something to make you smile. I will be praying for you friend, hang in there. Let me know if you need anything!