Thursday, September 17, 2009

Catch up

When I wrote that title I couldn't help but think of the latest joke the kids think is SO funny:
"What did the mustard say to the hot dog during the race? Try to ketch-up!"

Besides telling silly and stupid jokes that often don't make any sense, this is what the kids have been up to lately.

  • Kari played in the soccer Jamboree. She came off the sidelines at one point because she was hot and tired and wanted to be done (it was a hot day, I'll give her that), but once I told her that only kids who play in the game get an after-game snack, she went back and finished the game. So far there is no competitive soccer drive in Kari, but she says she likes it and does seem to enjoy herself, as long as it's not 90 degrees out.
  • My carpets have been cleaner this week now that Kari is tall enough and strong enough to use our vacuum. She begs me to let her vacuum. :)
  • We've been doing some reading. I love the sight of all the kids reading with Daddy, and it was so cute to see Joel reading with Aubrey in the rocker in her room this morning.
  • Kari and Joel have been working hard on mud pie soup (in the wheelbarrow). The nice weather is allowing them to enjoy the backyard a little longer than usual.
  • The last day before Kari went to school we took a trip to the zoo to visit the new lions. We brought my friend and old OSU roommate, Kelly, with us which was fun. She's a kid magnet, and even though it had been a long time since we'd seen her, they loved her and all wanted her attention, even Aubrey.

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