Friday, May 01, 2009


The kids have been asking to go to the zoo since Christmas when G&G gave us a zoo pass, so today was the day. We met Leah and the kids there, and the kids got a special treat when Grandpa decided to join us on his day off. It was fun to watch Aubrey's reaction to everything, as this was the first time she actually was able to participate and enjoy the zoo. She waved enthusiastically and said "hi"to all the animals, fully expecting that they would say "hi" back. "Oooo" and "wow" were the other things she said over and over. She squealed with delight at the sheep and when she pet the goats. The big kids had a good time, too, and were VERY tired by the time we left. Miles didn't make a peep the whole time were were there. He just enjoyed snuggling with his mama in the baby carrier, so I guess he had a good time, too.

I only took 2 photos, and here they are. I'm pretty sure my dad had a better time than it appears. :)
We took a snack break towards the end of our visit, and the kids loved running free all over the grassy area. Kari's taking care of Aubrey and making sure she doesn't fall down the concrete steps (Aubrey really needs to develop some healthy fear). I wish I'd gotten my camera out sooner because they were so cute walking together.
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