Monday, May 25, 2009

Sick Kari

Kari missed her very last day of preschool and her "graduation" because she was sick, sick, sick with a high fever and some kind of stomach bug. Thankfully, the tummy troubles didn't last very long, but the fever persisted over the next couple days--kinda put a damper on our weekend. By Sunday afternoon she was feeling much better, though, and we were able to do some BBQing with friends and family and even squeezed in some pool time today.
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Pate Family said...

Oh poor Kari. The good news is as far as the "graduation" she didn't miss much :)

Curtis and Jane said...

Sad, little Kari! Oh, just the sight of that bucket...

I guess that Jake is sick with the flu today. Must be going around!

Bekah cut her first tooth today! It still has a ways to go to be fully in, but it's definitely through the surface. So fun!

Love ya,


Curtis and Jane said...

Sad, little Kari! Oh, just the sight of that bucket...

I guess that Jake is sick with the flu today. Must be going around!

Bekah cut her first tooth today! It still has a ways to go to be fully in, but it's definitely through the surface. So fun!

Love ya,
