Thursday, May 07, 2009

Swim Lessons

In an attempt to get a head start on this year's pool season, we enrolled the kids in swim lessons. Two lessons in, and they're both doing great! We figured Kari would enjoy it and do well (and she did), but I was nervous about how Joel would respond. He hates getting water in his eyes, tends to be more timid/cautious overall, and just hasn't ever taken to the whole pool thing. He camped out on the steps of G&G's pool last summer and only ventured in with Grandma at the end of the season. He surprised us this week, though, and after some initial tears and torment, he participated and had a good time, too. You can see the progression here:

fearful on the steps and glad his sister is there with him

kicking water at Teacher Bob, as asked

a little smile!

moved over with the other kids on the ledge, did what Teacher Bob asked
I didn't get to watch today (can only watch the first and last lessons), but I heard that they both pushed off the side to the teacher and that they had fun. So far, so good.
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