Monday, March 09, 2009

Perseverance (and patience!)

I was pulling photos off the camera and came across these. I forgot about this delightful sibling moment. Joel made Aubrey laugh, and I mean really laugh, for quite a while. We've been having quite a time with the JB lately. First of all, he turned three. That alone may be enough to explain his behavior. However, he also, in the last few weeks, stopped taking his afternoon nap. We now have "rest" time for Joel, as we do for Kari, but he's still in nap transition, and every few days he falls asleep from pure exhaustion. Nap transition is rough! We've had more discipline issues, defiance, and tantrums in the last month than we ever had when he was two. So, this post is a reminder for me that Joel still has good moments, and that this, too, shall pass. We'll persevere! :) And then maybe someday sweet Joel-boy will come back.

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Jenne said...

He'll be back! No doubt. (I didn't know he was MIA.) And YESSSSS! Nap transitions are tough! Weston is doing the same thing right now (and he is only just barely 2!!). So we do a rest time at 10am for an hour and a rest time at 2pm for an hour. Sometimes he falls asleep, sometimes he doesn't. But one thing is for sure: HE NEEDS HIS ALONE TIME. Not all my kids were like that, but MAN OH MAN... he sure is!

Good luck in the transition and with your perseverance. (My experience: Pick those battles carefully, and find something new that you can teach him to do that will make him feel like a capable big kid. May or may not work for Joel right now... who knows!?)

Alison said...

Andrea, I'm right there with you. What is it about being three that is so hard? It's almost like Jack has disappeared and some crazy kid has taken his place. I know it will pass, but it is exhausting.

Marsee Family said...

Oh, watching little siblings interact with each other is my favorite thing in the whole world! The sound of them making each other last is priceless!