Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm back!

It took a full week, but I finally started feeling like I was going to be ok. I'm still not quite to the point of being glad I had the sinus surgery, but I'm doing MUCH better, and, hopefully, time will prove that it was a good and necessary misery to put myself (and my family) through. The doctor says it's going to work and that I should be able to breathe better and shouldn't get sinus infections nearly as often anymore, and I sure hope he's right. As I layed in bed and on the couch for that week, I thought a lot about how thankful I am for my husband, for our extended family, and for our friends. So many people helped in so many ways. God has blessed us with wonderful friends and family.

One thing became clear as I layed there doing absolutely nothing. My baby is no longer a baby, and she doesn't really need me, at least not the way she used to. Now that she's done nursing, I'm just as good as the next person. :) Actually, I'm not quite as good as "Bp-Pa"-- Grandpa A., that is. In the last week or so, Aubrey became quite attached to Grandpa. She says a few words now, and "Bp-Pa" is one of them. She's toddling around all over the place. We'll have to get a video up here sometime soon.

Kari and Joel just carried on as usual and did pretty well with things being different from their regular schedules and routines. They kept busy. A few nights ago I heard Kari praying at bedtime: "Please, make Mommy get better SOON!" I think they're glad to be getting back to normal life again, too.

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Cheryl Licht said...

Yeah, I'm glad you're feeling better Andrea! I've been thinking about you this past week. Sounds like no fun, but hopefully, like you said, the long term affects will be worth it.

Jenne said...

SO glad you are feeling better!!