Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Little Man!

Three years ago today we welcomed Joel Edward (aka, Joel-boy) into our family.

Joel, you were a big boy, starting out at 9 lbs 4 oz, and such a sweet little guy. You're still a big boy, and you have the same cute, impish grin. When looking for recent photos of you, I had a difficult time finding photos of just you. You love your big sister so much and always want to be where she is. You love your little sister an awful lot, too. You're very gentle with her and are a wonderful big brother. Your favorite color these days is green. You're a fan of your "meat 'n cheese 'n bread" for lunch, and you can eat more grapes than anyone I know (same goes for black olives). It's been fun having some time just with you while Kari is at preschool this year. You were a little lost without her the first few times she was gone, but you eventually saw some benefits to being the "only child" while Kari was away and Aubrey was napping. I've enjoyed our toast and hot cocoa times. We've played many games of Zingo, and I appreciate your help with the morning chores. You're my big helper, always willing to put away the groceries and help me unload the dishwasher. I wonder when that will change... maybe never? :) I also enjoy the snuggles you still allow this mama every now and then. You're a creature of habit, don't care for chaos, and thrive on routines, much like your older sister but maybe not quite so much so, not sure if it's her influence or your natural tendency. Time will tell. You like to be just like Daddy, like to wear your "cool" shoes just like Daddy, wear shirts like Daddy wears, and play your guitar just like Daddy. You men will have to stick together, being outnumbered in this house, as you are.
We love you so very much, Joel-boy. Happy 3rd Birthday!

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Curtis and Jane said...

Such a cutie!! Happy bday joel-boy!

Ellie said...

Wow, three years already! How time flies.

Grapes and black olives, huh? Yum. :)

Stephanie L. said...

Happy Birthday, Joel. You are such a sweetie, always ready with a grin at church!

Wilson Family said...

Happy Birthday Joel!!