Sunday, January 04, 2009

Vacation and more Aubrey "first's"

We have enjoyed this last week as a family. It's been wonderful having Greg healthy and pain-free again. We celebrated New Year's Eve with a bunch of other families, did some shopping, watched some movies, and spent time with friends. Kari and Joel spent the night at G&G's house on Friday (and had a GREAT time), and Greg and I had a date night. Funny how having just the baby with us felt like a vacation. We had a very relaxing, leisurely time, just the three of us.

I've been meaning to post this photo of Aubrey enjoying her first spaghetti dinner. She's pretty much done with baby food. She wants real people food and lots of it. Almost every night is bath night now and sometimes mid-day, too.

And this is her first hair-do (and first cottage cheese experience). She does not appreciate getting her hair done, but it's hanging in her eyes, so we have to do something.
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1 comment:

Faith said...

How funny, for some reason I thought those were comparison pictures and the second one was Kari! Aubrey looks so different with her hair pulled up! Glad you guys had a good "vacation" I hope to get those once in a while when we have three!! By the way, thanks for the offer to borrow the cake thing..I ended up going very simple but it's good to know that is at Michaels for future reference!!