Friday, January 09, 2009

Ah, normal life!

Life has gone back to "normal" this week as Greg is back at work and Kari went back to preschool. It feels good to be back in our routines and have everyone healthy (!).

The other night after bath time, the kids were all playing together in their footy pjs, so we had to take some photos. Aubrey's becoming a bit of a little pill these days, getting into Kari and Joel's things, knocking down Joel's towers (as predicted), but they still think she's the cutest baby in the world and have a lot of fun with her.
Kari and Joel crawled all over the house, trying to get Aubrey to chase after them. She squealed with delight.

And here's a bunch of recent happy Aubrey photos.
(Still not sure what to do with her hair. It's a little too long on top in the front but shorter everywhere else and still pretty thin, so clips don't stay in well. She HATES having her hair put in a ponytail. It's nearly impossible to do--a huge battle that I just don't think I want to fight. Kari didn't have as much hair when she was 10 months old. I don't remember having to do anything with her hair until she was at least a year and a half, and I thought it was difficult then. Do I cut it (and how do I safely take scissors to her head)? I just don't know. Any suggestions?)

She found a treat of some kind under the kid table and popped it into her mouth. Uh-oh--that's her favorite thing to say right now, that and "all done." Really, those are the only intelligible things she says, but she's so cute when she says them.

Silly baby


Pate Family said...

She is SO CUTE! Don't s cut her hair-it will get better as it grows out. I think you will regret cutting it because it will just prolong the funny stage. Do you have any of the clips that have what I call alligator teeth? They stayed in Ainsley's hair better at that stage.

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Aubrey is so adorable. Sorry, no ideas from me on the hair thing, having only boys all I do is regular buzz cuts! ;)

Faith said...

SO cute. I can't believe she is 10 months! My advice would be to leave her hair alone. I trimmed Peyton's hair once at 7 months mainly to save the clippings but also to trim around her ears. Other than that I let it go and didn't cut it again until she was gosh, I think 3?! Peyton's hair was always growing unevenly and the top was always hanging down and falling out of clips but you will be so glad you left it alone. I feel like once you trim it, it's more work because you have to maintain it. Eventually her hair will thicken and clips will stay in. That's my advice. Good luck.

Stephanie L. said...

Aubrey couldn't be sweeter. I love photos that have all the siblings in them. At our house, even with just two, cute ones don't happen very often! Are you wanting to grow out her bangs? If so, then you might be stuck for awhile with it; if not, I might just cut a few bangs. That's what we had to do with Tennyson... it's a hard stage!