Monday, September 15, 2008

Aubrey looks fairly happy here with Grandma, but I assure you she has not been her usual cheerful self. Her first tooth popped through on Friday. Hooray, Aubrey! Teething isn't going well for her, though. She also has her first bad cold, and she got the next round of immunizations. It's been a rough few days for her.

Uncle Brian playing peek-a-boo with the feverish baby and getting her to smile.

Today is no better. Poor little thing--tears, red stuffy nose, sore gums.
Blogging can be cathartic. Kari and Joel (who also have colds) were both awake at 5:30am this morning, and it's been a rough one. I'm gaining perspective with every word I type, though. Naptime is helping, too. Just please nobody come to my house today. It's not a pretty sight!
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Jenne said...

It's strangely difficult, is it not, to sooth a baby that otherwise needs no soothing. I remember when teeth came for Weston. He was miserable and it occurred to me that he was such a good baby that i had never needed to learn how to help him get over a difficulty.

Greg and Andrea said...

So true!