Saturday, July 05, 2008

"Uncle Eric sorta looks like Daddy."

That was a Kari comment I overheard in a conversation she had with Joel last week. It made me laugh.

Being married to an identical twin can be interesting , and an experience this last week inspired me to blog about it. At the pediatrician's office on Wednesday the nurses and front office staff were laughing (at me and my baby, it seemed) and finally let me in on the joke. Apparently, one of the nurses didn't know that Greg had a twin and thought, to my horror, that we Moffats were all just "one big happy family." Aaahhh! We have been going to this doctor for the past two years! Eric and Leah take their kids to the same office and had taken baby Miles in earlier that day for his two week check-up, which is when the confusion came up and another staff member set her straight.

There have been many instances of confusion in the years we've been together. Obviously, Greg has had to deal with this his whole life, but it's fairly new (and still funny) to me. My ob/gyn thought my husband had two wives when pregnant Leah and Eric walked into his office. Back in our college days, a strange girl ran up and gave him a big hug, thinking he was Eric. Sometimes when we're out and about, high school kids from Reynolds, where Eric teaches, holler out, "Hey, Mr. Mo!" and sometimes Greg corrects them, and sometimes he just says "hey" back to avoid the confrontation. (Eric says he tells his students he has a twin, but some of them don't listen well because some of them haven't believed Greg when he tells them he's Eric's brother and not their science teacher.) Once, in the pool, I mistook Eric's backside for Greg's. That was pretty embarrassing, and I'll probably never live it down. In my defense, they look a lot alike from the back and were wearing similar swim trunks.

Our kids have never really been confused, and I haven't very often, but understandably (at least in most cases), a lot of other people sure have! Maybe you're one of them.


Andie said...

thanks for blogging this. VERY FUNNY! I came from Leah's site....

Anonymous said...

Ok, Faith told me to check out your blog today. I am SO glad I did! I was laughing so hard. I have a twin and can totally relate to these situations! My kids will call my sister mom sometimes without even thinking, then they correct themselves when they realize the mistake. I have has someone tell my father in law that they saw me out at a movie with another man, only it was my sister and her husband:) I love the strangers coming up in public and completely mistaking you for the other one...that is the best!
Thanks for sharing, I can totally relate!

Brandy Maddox

rdnaharding said...

The first time Eric came to Cornerstone...both my girls came running to me and said "Greg has his arm around another woman!" They had no idea Greag was a twin! It was hilarious to see the horror on their faces! They couldn't believe he would bring another woman to church yet!
Debbie :-)