Tuesday, July 22, 2008


This morning I had a "happy mom" moment. I was making muffins in the kitchen, and Aubrey was hanging out in the doorway, watching me and trying to get the links in her mouth. Kari and Joel were playing with Play-Doh at the table and listening to the kid music we had on, singing along to"Oh, how I love Jesus." I thought again about how blessed I am to be a mom who gets to stay home with her kids. I tend to like keeping us busy going places and doing things, but I also enjoy days like today when we don't have anywhere to go or anything we have to do, and I get to be "domestic" and just be home. Now, I have to say that a half hour earlier Joel was throwing bricks (cardboard ones) at Kari and making her cry, intentionally, and 10 minutes later, Aubrey was tired and screaming as I disciplined Kari for sneaking a piece of muffin after I told her she couldn't have one until later after we ate lunch. It's unusual to have long periods of tranquility around here, but I do have a lot of "happy mom" moments most days. I tend to forget about them, however, by the time my husband comes home from work, when I'm tired, the kids are hungry, and things just aren't so happy around here. (I'm working on ideas of how to improve that often unpleasant 4-6pm window.) So, Greg, whatever I tell you when you get home today, know that we had a good time this morning and then remind me that I love being a mom.

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Anonymous said...

Good to know babe-- great post.

Thanks for taking care of our kids and getting to enjoy some fun time (in addition to the challenging times).

Love me

Mars said...

Ooooh, hang in there. It's 5:00 right now, right in the middle of that 4-6pm window. Only 1 hour to go!
You're a great mommy! :)

Jenne said...


I, too, love those moments when you can step outside yourself and enjoy the picture.

And you just gave me a fun idea for a new post...

Amy Woodard said...

Well said! Joel and I were just talking recently about that 4-6 time period. It's encouraging to hear that I'm not the only one with that going on! Thanks for sharing Andrea!