Wednesday, November 28, 2007


My Grandma Arnold makes her own gingerbread houses every year, and last year she made one with Kari when they were here visiting. I decided to attempt it this year with her recipe and direction. It was a lot of work, but here's the finished product. Thanks for all the help, Grandma. The kids loved it.
Kari did great and was really into it. Joel made things a little more complicated. I don't think gingerbread house making is an ideal activity for a 22 month old. There are several things in this whole process that I will do differently next year. :) This was my practice year.
Greg, Kari turned the little ones around because she wanted you to see the backs and how the one on the left looks like a face.
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Wilson Family said...

Wow! Those look so great! I'm impressed! Good Job! I'll have to get your receipe!

Kristi said...

I've always wanted to do this, but am very intimidated...we've tried graham crackers in the past with unsucessful results. I'd love to get your recipe..

Ellie said...

Those are so adorable! (And they look yummy). Good job, Kari!
