Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bits of our weekend

The last photo (bottom right) is to document the first windstorm and power outage of the season . They're eating yogurt by candlelight. The power went out at 6:45am in the middle of my shower Monday morning, and immediately the screaming began. They'd been awake for a while and had a light on, so the pitch black kind of freaked them out. Of course, I had to go searching for the flashlights and batteries and found that I wasn't prepared for the windy season yet. I need to buy batteries. Luckily, we have lots of candles. We made a fire in our woodstove and had a nice, cozy hour and a half without power.

1 comment:

Pate Family said...

We lost ours at the same time, it was a major trauma in our house as well. For crying out loud- it was morning but Hudson just wandered around whining that I needed to put some batteries in his light. Lets hope for continued power this winter.