Thursday, November 08, 2007

Beloved Doggie

This is Joel's "doggie," his small, soft blanket with a dog head, and this week I had to repair the doggie for the first time. I went in to get Joel out of his crib after his nap, and he held it up and said,"Doggie broke." Sure enough, the doggie's head was split open, stuffing coming out, the ear falling off. While I was repairing the damage, I decided to give him a new nose, since the original one was half gone. I wonder how many times I'm going to have to mend the doggie. Will it be like my cousin Denee's "Brown Bear," worn and patched all over with a many times repaired nose? Or maybe it'll be like my blanket that literally disintegrated after many years of love. All that was left was the patches and binding.
Joel loves this doggie. For the last several days he's been repeating, "Doggie fixed, all clean!" Now that the binky is gone (and yes, we are totally done with the binky and sleeping better, too!), the doggie is even more loved. He can keep it for as long as he wants, as far as I'm concerned. I won't take it away.

It makes a good hat, too.


rdnaharding said...

I think that without the doggie there would be no life...if you ask Joel!

ang said...

Glad to hear the binky drama was not too awful...we're getting ready to ditch Ty's and I'm not looking forward to it! He's got a blankie (actually 4 that we rotate) that he can keep til he goes to college. Maybe he and the blankie and Joel and the doggie will be roommates.

SchwartzCats said...

Great pics!