Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Chunk of Our Weekend

We spent a large portion of our weekend painting Kari's room. She and Joel will be sharing a room once the baby comes, and since her room was pretty much ALL pink, we had to make some changes. It went from pink to blue (Thanks for the paint sample, Karina. It's just the color I wanted.) The room is going to be a work in progress for the next couple months. We're going to get bunk beds, and Joel's bedding is the same design as Kari's but with green, blue, and white stripes. Gotta love having IKEA in town!

In the middle of our paint job.
Kari loves the "new" room and is very excited to have Joel in there with her. I'm not sure she realizes she won't be able to shut him out, once he moves in. It won't be for another month or two, but Kari doesn't take well to changes (wonder where she got that from?) , so the more preparation, the better. I'm just glad that for right now she's looking forward to sharing with her little brother. She spent a couple nights in Joel's room while we were painting, and they had fun together--didn't get enough sleep, but they had fun.
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Wilson Family said...

Wow! Good job, it looks good so far! I'm not sure how the transition to sharing a room is going to go for the boys either..... They both seem to love the idea, but everytime we try it they just want to talk and laugh forever.... So it will definitly be a transiton for them and us. =)

Curtis and Jane said...

looks great!! Nice work. :)