Tuesday, June 05, 2007

So many words

For the last couple weeks, Kari has been helping me create a list of words that Joel can say and that we can recognize. We have to add words to our list every day now.

Here's what we've got so far:

Joel's 16 Month Word List

1. happy birthday (his first phrase)
2. bird
3. please
4. thank you
5. truck
6. Nana (Kari’s doll)
7. mama
8. dadda
9. grandma
10. grandpa
11. apple
12. juice
13. milk
14. outside
15. shoes
16. b-bye
17. hi
18. hello
19. bless you
20. no
21. yes
22. socks
23. ball
24. all done
25. binky
26. up
27. down
28. hot
29. cracker
30. hat
31. bubbles
32. nigh-night
33. yuck
34. bath
35. bounce
36. ouch!
37. arm
38. poop
39. blocks
40. ears
41. cheese
42. oops

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1 comment:

Megan said...

Wow, that's quite the list! And that picture of the kids together is really sweet.