Monday, June 18, 2007

Messy house--Not so bad

I've been talking with some other moms of small children, and we all seem to be fighting the same housecleaning battles and the guilt that goes along with it. We have a book study group here at our house on Wednesday nights, and that's when this subject came up. Our house gets clean on Wednesdays (one of the reasons I really like hosting), but I thought I'd post a photo of what our house usually looks like. This is the reality. When we have people over, our house doesn't look like this, but it's because we pick up and clean before they come. If you just stopped by our house on any given day, this is what you'd most likely see.

As I was taking the previous two pictures (during nap time), I wondered how long it would actually take me to clean up this mess, so I timed myself--9 minutes. Nine minutes! That's not so bad! Of course, after nap time it will revert to it's messy state, but it made me feel good knowing it could be clean again in nine minutes.

That toy box from IKEA was one of the best household purchases we've ever made. (Thanks for hauling it down here for us, Eric and Leah!) Just throw it all in and cart the big things to the kids' rooms. It's great.

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Megan said...

I love this post Andrea. It's true, drop-in visitors might be shocked at the site of toys strewn everywhere. But if we are honest with ourselves and others, then these visitors will be easily welcomed to join in the chaos of the day. Seems more important to be welcoming and honest than to be unwelcoming and fake, pretending that our homes are always spotless. Thanks for being real.

The Alley Family said...

This sure made me smile as I am sitting in my very own family room covered with toys. It is refreshing to know that other houses look the same as mine. It is so true that housework does often go by the wayside, I feel so good when it's clean, wouldn't it be nice to afford a housecleaner?
Thanks for posting that, it brightened my day. I guess we both know what we'll be doing at naptime:)