Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tuesday evening

I tried to take a picture of Greg reading to the kids, but this is what I kept getting---Joel pulling Kari's hair. Her hair is a Joel magnet.

Paul and Karyn came over for dinner last night. They've been gone a long time, so it was fun to hang out. Kari's "smiling" for Paul's photo.

Kari and Karyn's birthdays are only two days apart (Dec. 17th and 19th), so we had some early birthday cupcakes. Kari's been waiting since September to blow out candles. Three cousins, an uncle, and a grandpa have birthdays in Sept.
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1 comment:

Faith said...

cute pics! Is Kari's bday the 17th? Peyton's bday is the 17th. Good and bad having a baby so close to Christmas huh?! It's a bummer when there are snow and wind storms on and near the birthday parties!!