Thursday, December 21, 2006

Everyday potpourri

Only 4 more days until Christmas!
Kari feeding Pooh "pretend applesauce," and yes, she uses the word "pretend."

Joel trying to climp the slider. He played there for half an hour. He's been pulling himself up a lot more the last couple days. He doesn't know how to gracefully get down yet, so we've got to watch carefully.

We've been having more toilet issues recently with Kari, but we found something that's working--stars. She loves putting the gold/silver/blue/red star stickers on her "chart" (a.k.a., a piece of white paper taped to the bathroom door) when she has bathroom successes. It's amazing the motivation she gets from the star incentive. It's great! (Oh, and for those of you who care, Kari had her 3 year dr. check, and all is well. She's in the 75th percentile for height and weight--quite proportional.)

1 comment:

Megan said...

What a blessing to find something so easy to be so effective! Stickers...simply fun!