Monday, April 18, 2022

Senior Prom

After Kari's Snowball experience, confirming that she just doesn't enjoy dances much, she wasn't real eager to go to another, but she wanted to go to prom "for 10 minutes." She went with a group of friends--Julia, Allie, Kylee, Noah, Katelin, Boaz, and Jackson. We took pictures at the Rasmussen's house, and they served the kids dinner before heading over to the dance. I chaperoned the dance and took tickets with Tiffany, so I got to see them there. I loved it. It was cold (had snowed earlier that day!) but fun. Kari made it much longer than her original plan of 10 minutes. She was ready to be done by 9:30, but she stayed until it was over at 10pm. She even had some fun. :) 

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