Saturday, December 19, 2020

Kari's 17th Birthday

Kari 17th birthday was a COVID birthday and not just because it's 2020. She actually got sick and tested positive for COVID the day before her birthday. She and Joel both got it, but the other four of us have managed to stay well. We're taking precautions and trying our best to contain the germs. It was sad to see her sick on her birthday, but some special people in her life made it a great day for her anyway. Several people dropped things off for her on our porch, and Eric and Leah's family and Kylee teamed up and planned for Kari to receive a small gift every hour on the hour from 8am-5pm. It made the day so exciting! :) 

She requested Aloha Meatballs for dinner and Tillamook Mudslide ice cream for dessert, so that's what we did. It was an unusual birthday for an unusual year, but we celebrated Kari as best we could. 

My social media post for the birthday girl:
This girl is 17 today. It’s not the 17th birthday we would have chosen for her (COVID birthday—fitting for 2020, isn’t it?), but we’re together and will celebrate her in ways we can! If you know Kari, you already know that she is very much her own person, is driven, is a gifted piano player, feels deeply, loves Jesus, is a loyal friend, and has a very silly side. You are beautiful inside and out, Kari. We love you so very much! Happy birthday!

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