Monday, July 20, 2020

Two Weeks Post-Op

 July 20--We had some time to waste between doctor appointments today and stared up at the clear blue sky while relaxing on a blanket in the shade, a light breeze blowing through the trees above us. Not a bad way to spend a Monday! It’s been exactly two weeks since Greg’s colon cancer surgery, almost four weeks since we found out he had a tumor. He’s doing really well! He’s eating normal foods, starting to regain strength (hasn’t walked 2 miles again since that one day, but he’ll get there soon!), and is just feeling so much better. After talking with his oncologist, we have decided to have Greg do 6 months of chemo, starting in mid-August. He should be able to work throughout, in spite of side effects, as it’s a fairly moderate regimen. We are happy to have a plan, and we both feel good about this decision.

God is good, and He is faithful. Those things would still be true if Greg’s cancer had spread to lymph nodes and if surgery had not been as successful. But we are so very grateful and thankful for this answer to prayer. Cancer is scary. This last month + has been so hard. We’ve seen God working in numerous ways, though. He truly has been our refuge and strength, our ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). I have so many thoughts and words swirling through my head, but I want to say thank you for all the support you’ve shown Greg and our family, for all the prayers, cards, meals, messages. This has been a crazy, terrible, difficult, and overwhelming experience, but we’ve seen so much good—kindness, thoughtfulness, generosity, patience, love—from so many in our community. Thanks for walking alongside us through this. ❤️

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