FB Posts from July 5th:
A sweet, thoughtful friend created a hashtag and made this sign for us.
We aren’t feeling very strong, but we have a strong God holding us up, and He has given us so many friends and family members who are lifting us up. Greg and I will be at the hospital by 8am tomorrow, with surgery scheduled for 10:30am. Assuming all goes according to plan, surgery should take 2 hours. He’ll be in the hospital 3-7 days with a 3-6 week recovery after that. We’ll know more about next steps in the coming days/weeks. I’m grateful I’m able to be with Greg at the hospital for the surgery and in the following days. We’re so thankful for the army of people helping with the kids and supporting us this week. #MoffatStrong
He wasn't feeling well but posed for my photos anyway. :)
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