Thursday, April 09, 2020


While we were waiting for the trim to be installed, I worked on painting the wall in our front room the same color as the piano wall and doing some decor updates. I bought new curtains online for the front and dining room and bought rods and curtains to hang in our family living room. We've been curtain-less in there for 8 years, and now the windows have finally been dressed! I spent a lot of time figuring out exactly what I wanted and where to hang them, and then once they arrived, I had to hem them to just the right length.  After we got the living room curtains hung, I realized our slider rod and curtains looked silly being so low and ordered a new (longer rod) and new longer curtains for the slider. I'm so happy with how it all turned out!

Greg and I have been taking walks each day at his lunch time and in the afternoons or evenings on the weekends. The spring weather has been unusually nice, which has been a blessing. Getting outside each day really helps with my mood and morale. I planted my fuchsia hanging baskets and geraniums and pansies for the front porch. Planting flowers makes my heart happy.

We started and finished our first puzzle, almost a whole month into coronavirus. Our house projects have prevented puzzling until now. In between home decor projects, we've baked bread, made brownies, baked cookies, made yummy meals, watched shows and movies, read books, and even gone swimming!  Mom and Dad opened up the pool early this year, and it's been so nice for the kids to have something different to do. It's been a treat.

After three weeks of using a dining room chair for his office chair, Greg's back was protesting loudly, so I got online and ordered a real office chair for his home office (in our bedroom). Aubrey and Grant put it together when it arrived, and Greg's back is much happier.

I went to Costco for the first time since new restrictions were put in place. It was odd to wait outside in a long line with a mask on, but it actually didn't take long to get in. While I had my sewing machine out for hemming curtains, I made some face masks for us and for my parents. The new recommendation is that everyone wear masks when out in public. The stores all have plexiglass in front of registers, signs reminding people to stay 6 feet apart, and tape on the floor to show where to stand in line. It's a strange new normal.

getting ready to paint the wall

slider rod was too low after installing the others higher

curtains just kissing the floor--perfect!

hubby hanging my new rods

Joel's "kitty trunks" crack me up

reading The Golden Goblet with Grant

trying to keep their distance while visiting in person

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