Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Easter looked a little different this year, not going to church and not being with extended family, but we tried to include as many traditions as we could to make things feel more normal. I planted our Easter grassy tomb a couple weeks prior. We dyed eggs. I baked hot crossed buns and cinnamon rolls. I made everyone sit for an Easter family photo before church, complete with the usual grumblings. We had church, just at home.We made a delicious ham Easter dinner with cheesy potatoes, Great-Grandma Carrie green beans, and strawberry pretzel salad. We had Easter baskets (skimpier than past years but with plenty of candy), and we had an epic Easter egg hunt outside in our yard after a 2-hour nap. Our Resurrection Sunday was actually quite wonderful and relaxing.

We shared our hot crossed buns with grandparents and delivered Saturday evening.


Easter dinner

cleaning up the juice I spilled

Grant shoved the last of his pretzel salad into his mouth all at once, and it struck us all funny. 


This egg was a tricky one to find. 

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