Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Start of a new school year

September flew by, and we're already halfway through October. Most of the kids have had a smooth start to the school year. Joel started out strong as a WOMS leader at school and doing the morning announcements. He received a Wolverine Award already! Aubrey is rockin' middle school with confidence and good grades. Grant is doing well and seems to be enjoying his second year with Mrs. Horner. I was able to sub for his class twice this last month, which was fun. I love getting to see what his day is like. He also started water polo, and is absolutely LOVING it. Kari is doing well but has not felt like things are going smoothly. She really does have a lot on her plate and has a very full, demanding schedule right now. She's taking AP U.S. History, running cross country, taking piano lessons, playing in Symphonic Band, taking driver's ed, going to FCA on Tuesdays before school, going to Bible study at 6:15am on Friday mornings, going to youth group on Wednesdays, and trying to get homework in between all of that. It's a lot! Having to play in the pep band for all the home football games was a bitter pill for her to swallow, but she said this last week that "it's getting better."

#8 throwing is Grant

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