Monday, June 20, 2016

Theology Re-Alignment

Playing the game, "Headbands," was funny stuff!

A couple weeks ago, Grant was talking at the dinner table and said something about "Mrs. God."
Taken aback and horrified, I said, "Grant, there is no Mrs. God!"
Grant: "Yeah, you know, Mrs. God and the flowers, plants, and trees."
Me: "Oh! You mean Mother Nature!"
Grant: "Yeah, Mrs. God!"
Me: "No, no. There is no Mrs. God, just God."

I don't know how he even knew the term "Mother Nature," since I don't think I've ever said it, but I explained that people who don't believe in God will sometimes use that term when talking about His creation but that the Bible tells us God created the earth, and there's only one true God.

He thought for moment, and said, "Ok, good to know!"

So funny how his brain works! He's soaking everything up. I'm thankful for the Sunday school teachers, his preschool teachers, and Teacher Ginny in "Tater Tots" at church who are all pouring into him and helping him learn more about the Bible and this great, big God we serve.

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