Wednesday, June 15, 2016

End of school year

The sky was gorgeous one day while we were waiting in line to pick up the kids. I had to take a photo. The weather has been so crazy lately--sun, extreme heat (100 degrees!), rain, hail, thunder, lightning. Today it's cold and rainy, but we'll have days like this one again soon, I'm sure.

Kari's spring band concert showed a whole lot of growth since their winter concert!

Kari thumped this huge stack of schoolwork on our table this last week. Once there were only 3 school days left, she let us see what she's been doing all year!

She had her piano recital this last week, and she performed beautifully! Her teacher also awarded her the summer scholarship for being a dedicated, hard-working piano student. We're so proud! We sure do love her teacher, too. She's amazing.

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