Thursday, May 07, 2015

Yard Improvements

This early spring we've had gave us an early start to our yard maintenance. I've been weeding and planting over the last couple of months, and we finished up most of it this last week. I planted some new shrubs, some flowers, and got my garden boxes planted, too. Many thanks to Dad for sharing his greenhouse-grown plants and flowers. He's my supplier and gardening expert. :)

This crooked tree out front has bothered me ever since we bought the house. Every summer and fall it dropped ugly seeds that made a mess on the sidewalk and street. It just needed to be replaced. It wasn't quite this crooked until we started messing with it and discovered it didn't have very deep roots. Greg took it out the day after I took this photo, and we replaced it with a white flowering dogwood that will be lovely every spring (and straight).

We started in on laying new bark dust over the weekend but didn't have time to get it all done, so Monday morning, I decided to attempt it by myself.  I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it, but I did! I power washed the porch and driveway, and then I purchased, shoveled, and spread almost two yards of bark dust by myself! I felt so accomplished and so tired by the end of that day! I love how clean and tidy fresh bark dust makes the yard look.

The next day Grant helped me make a stepping stone path on both sides of our house, something we've wanted to do for the past few years. I've had enough manual labor and back-breaking work to last me a while now. I'm done.

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