Tuesday, May 05, 2015


Time to catch up a little.  I have a bunch of photos of time spent with Grant. He and I spend the most time together, just the two of us. We spent A LOT of time together the last couple weeks when he got his tonsils out, but I'll post about that later. He's pretty good at playing independently, but sometimes he needs some help getting started and sometimes just wants some company.

Every Tuesday is "sharing" day at preschool, and Grant wanted to bring the cats to share. We took a picture instead. Getting both cats in the photo proved to be a challenge, but we did it.

A stop at the Target park makes running errands much more exciting for this four-year-old.

He mastered the rings, which was very exciting. Six months ago, he wasn't able to do it, but now he's a pro.

Here he is, waving at us from up on stage, at his preschool spring music program--pretty cute! Here's the video Grandpa put together of some of the songs. https://vimeo.com/125004613

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