Thursday, May 28, 2015


We had just gotten back from Kari's soccer game and were prepping lunch when Grant and Joel ran through the kitchen, playing some kind of chasing game. Joel dodged the table, but Grant, following closely behind, ran smack into it with his forehead. I was just a step away and saw immediately that he was going to need stitches. Greg and I sprang into action, grabbed a towel and our shoes, and left Kari in charge to babysit at home. Our pediatrician's office is open on Saturdays but only until noon. Of course, this happened at 12:05pm, so off to the ER we went. Greg rode in the back with Grant, holding a towel over the wound, and I drove with the windows down, trying not to pass out. We made it just fine, rushed him in, and then...sat in the waiting room for an hour and a half. They finally got us back into a room where we waited some more. Grant did great while they stitched him up. Greg hung with Grant while I turned away and covered my ears until they were done. I know my limits. Spending three hours in the emergency room on that sunny Saturday was not in our plan, but we counted our blessings--we have good medical insurance, it was only 5 stitches, and Greg was still in town and not on his business trip yet!

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