Friday, February 06, 2015

"Proving" their "bakes"

Greg and I started watching a show on PBS called "The Great British Baking Show." The kids watched part of one episode with us and got hooked. Now, once a week, our whole family sits and watches British bakers compete to make the most impressive looking and tasting baked goods. We like the show but were surprised when it held the kids' attention, too. They've really been into it.

While the kids were playing with their beloved kinetic sand yesterday, we heard them talking about their "bakes" and saw them sliding their creations into the "proving drawer" (under the table) and then crouching down to watch and make sure it didn't burn, just like in the show. :) They've been making all kinds of "bakes," using my muffin tins and cake and bundt pans. They got it all out again today and continued with their British baking. It's great to see all fours kids playing together and entertaining themselves. This particular activity makes a bit of a mess (of mostly green sand--Grant's) we have to sweep up afterwards, but it's worth it.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

So happy they are having fun with the sand!